Parish Council

The purpose of the St. Aloysius Parish Council is to represent the people of the parish community by making recommendations and evaluations to the Pastor to improve the quality of parish services and parish life.  The goals of Parish Council are to institute parish renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council and the Sixth Synod of Cincinnati and to provide direction toward the attainment of our Parish Mission.  Members are nominated and selected each year on a rotating basis.

The objectives of the Council are:

1- To determine priorities of the parish according to its spiritual, social, and temporal needs and the means available.

2-To represent all the people of the parish

3-To provide communication, coordination, and cooperation among the Commissions of the Council, the organizations of the parish and the parishioners.

4-To be a resource, serving in an advisory role, to the Pastor.

If interested in information about parish council, please contact Stephanie O'Connor -Chairperson (737-9098).