Welcome to St. Aloysius Catholic Church

St. Al's Summer Festival 2024

August 4, 2024

11:00 am to 7:00 pm

One more week to annual Summer Festival, Car & Tractor Cruise-In, and Chicken Dinner!   Please Join Us!

Thank you!  Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who came and helped with Corn.   Like I said many hands for many tasks and we were finished with everything including cleanup by 1:30 pm.

See you next year!

The Country Arts Booth is in need of small homemade items and baked goods.  Items can be brought to church on Saturday, August 3, or early on Festival day.  

Many, Many workers are needed for Corn day, Festival setup and Festival Day.  Please consider working!!! On Festival Day, please consider working at a booth for 2 to 3 hours; any help is appreciated.  Please use the links below, the sign-up sheets in the Gathering Space, or contact a booth chairperson to sign up.

Outside Kitchen

Inside Kitchen

Dining Room

Kids' Games

From Father Walling: 

Welcome Father Nam Vu, S.V.D.!  Archbishop Schnurr has formally appointed Father Nam Vu, S.V.D. as
parochial vicar for our C-6 Saint Stephen Family of Parishes. Fr. Nam was born in Vietnam, but was raised in Cincinnati, where he went to schools at Holy Family and Elder. He was ordained a priest in 2010 for the Society of the Divine Word (S.V.D. are the Latin initials), a missionary religious order whose members serve the Church in eighty-four countries worldwide. He is fluent 
in Spanish, having spent two years in Argentina, and most recently serving at Saint Patrick Parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where the Sunday Masses are in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Fr. Vu is looking forward to sharing his priestly life and ministry with us, and I am excited to have him join us. His assignment begins July 1st.

CLOW Schedule

Remember that Children’s Liturgy of the Word is now offered every Sunday, except 5th Sunday:

at the 8:00 am Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month,

and at 9:30 am on the second and fourth Sundays.

No C.L.O.W. on the fifth Sundays

From Father Walling: Sunday Evening Masses Upcoming!

After consulting with staffs and parish councils at Saint Aloysius and Saint Peter in Chains, I have decided to offer a seven o’clock Sunday evening Mass once a month on the first Sunday of the month on a trial basis for six months in order to gauge your response to and participation at Sunday Mass at that hour.

The scheduled Mass will alternate between the two parishes (Saint Al’s and Saint Pete’s), but, due to previous commitments, on an uneven basis:

AT SAINT PETER IN CHAINS on July 7th, August 4th and November 3rd; 

AT SAINT ALOYSIUS on September 1st, October 6th and December 1st. 

Liturgical ministers will be needed:  greeters/ushers, servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of holy communion.

If you are interested in helping, contact Heather Hart at Saint Pete’s or Ann Shackleford at Saint Al’s.


Next year's dates for SUMMER PREP are June 2-13, 2025!  Mark your calendars!

St. Aloysius Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass

will be celebrated on

September 14, 2024 at the 5:00 PM Mass.


Mass Moments ”Sign of Peace"

At the Sign of Peace, worshipers are invited to show their peace and love before receiving the Eucharist, which accomplishes their unity most perfectly. The nature of the sign is to be determined by the culture of the people who express it. In the United States, the bishops let local communities determine the actions and words. We have no set formula or gesture for extending this sign. Most often worshipers will shake hands and say, “Peace be with you.” But you may also see them kiss or embrace, wave or flash a two-fingered Sign of Peace. Although today it would seem cold to omit the Sign of Peace, it is optional.

Introduced in the 1960s to a bashful Church unaccustomed to speaking to one another at worship, it broke the silent mood before Communion. Now it has become a welcome expression of unity among those preparing for Communion together in Christ.

The invitation to extend the Sign of Peace comes from the deacon. The deacon directs posture, gesture, and action in the liturgy. He tells us when to stand or sit, when to leave and when to show peace.

The placement of the Sign of Peace still confuses some who think it comes too late to say hello and too early to say goodbye. However, the purpose of the sign is not to extend a greeting. It is to express our love; it foreshadows our Communion. It’s like an all-for-one huddle before the team charges into play.

Team members should have said hello to one other long before. In fact, some communities take a few moments before Mass begins precisely to encourage worshipers to greet those near them. Such a greeting allows people to feel at home, and it can also be shared by catechumens who will be dismissed after the homily. The Sign of Peace has a purpose deeper than a greeting—it expresses the unity of those baptized in Christ.

When extending the Sign of Peace, attentive worshipers resist turning it into a break. This is not the time to congratulate someone on their anniversary, to set up an appointment, orto exchange messages with the servers. It is the time to express peace and love.

Bulletin Inserts for the Liturgical Life of the Parish: The Mass © 2020 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Written by Paul Turner.

"Mass Moments" Archives    "Seasonal Moments" Archive

SCAM Alert

ATTENTION PLEASE: Please disregard any emails or texts from Fr. Walling that are not coming from rwalling@qphamilton.org. There are messages circulating about needing special prayers, money, etc. These are scams! Fr. Walling will NEVER email or text you asking you for money or gift cards.  The latest scam has somehow managed to pop into existing email conversation threads. The parish office does not need to be notified if you have received them. However, if you have fallen victim to these scams please file a report at Report a Scam | Ohio.gov | Official Website of the State of Ohio and with your local police department.  Unfortunately ministers, school principals, etc. are common targets for these scams because these are organizations that people like to make donations to.


Our Family of Parish Priests enjoy a home-cooked meal together each week at Queen of Peace. Meals are delivered to the parish office or outside the residence every Tuesday and Wednesday. Typically, meals should feed 4-5 adults. They enjoy all meats, starches, salads, breads and desserts. If you would be interested in being put on the rotation or have further questions, please call the Queen of Peace Parish Office 513-863-4344


Lenten Project update!

Due to the tremendous generosity of our parishioners and support from the Men’s Society, K of C, and Ladies’ Society, a total of $19,398.58 was donated during lent to support the Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Gulu Uganda and         H.O.P.E.- full Pastures. Along with some supplemental funds from the Mission Outreach budget, this has enabled us to fund the acquisition of all the requested clinic equipment, medicine, MAMA kits and mosquito nets. We also have been able to provide $10,000 to help initiate the fund to construct the $24,000 outdoor kitchen the clinic so desperately needs. Again, this year we are underwriting the $6000 cost for 10 abused and/or neglected children and their guardians to participate in the therapeutic programs offered at H.O.P.E.-full Pastures.

The parish should take great pride in their unselfish support for others who are less fortunate.

Committee members are:  Jim Bischoff, Sr.(513-896-6397), Ann Adams (513-646-1052), or Imelda Castaneda-Emenaker (513-403-9621).

Community Outreach

Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life. So we created free resources that highlights the best memory care facilities in Ohio.

Check out the Memory Care Guides here:

Parish Council 

April Parish Council Min 2024

New Parishioner Registration

 Interested in becoming a member of St. Aloysius? Please enter your information and the office will contact you.

 Parish Registration Form

Find a Parish While Traveling

Find a Parish

Spiritual Communion 

For those who are unable to receive Holy Communion, you can make this prayer of Spiritual Communion a source of grace in the midst of difficulty:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers

Please consider helping; training will be provided. 

Call the parish office [513-738-1014]. 

St. Joe's Corner

- St. Joe’s is trying to gather addresses of their graduates. There is a form on the school webpage, www.sjcshamilton.org that you can fill out with your information. Thanks!

- If you are interested in purchasing a St. Joe's 365 Lotto Ticket, you can contact any St. Joe's student or the school office (513-863-8758), or use this link to purchase online:  SJCS Catholic Schools 365 Lotto Tickets.   The funds generated through the 365 Lotto Fundraiser for into the St. Joe's general fund and help cover general operating expenses which otherwise would have to be covered by large increases in tuition.  

Badin Connection

Badin Newsletter

"FORMED" Program

FORMED is Catholic content all in one place. It is a platform of Catholic teachings through videos, audio talks, ebooks, movies, and more. Consider it personal faith formation at your fingertips. As a parishioner you have access to this subscription.

You can copy and paste the following website https://formed.org into your URL.  The parish code: V3JWJ6.  

OR...go to the LINKS tab and click on the FORMED.ORG and it will take you directly to the site to subscribe.  

Please Note:  When first signing on to FORMED.ORG, you must register your email address.  

St. Aloysius Veteran's Memorial

If you are interested in purchasing a Veterans’ Memorial Brick, it’s not too late! Forms are available in the rack outside the parish office door. This is a great way to honor a special person….any military or non-military; a friend; a family member.

There are two more areas added to honor our POW/MIA Veterans, as well as our 6th military branch, Space Force. Bricks are available. Questions, please call Bill (513)706-5475.

Parish Mission Statement

We, the people of St. Aloysius Parish, are called together by God through our Roman Catholic faith to be an active, visible community where the faith flourishes and grows. As such, we acknowledge God's love, Jesus Christ's redemption, the power of the Holy Spirit, and our individual and collective membership in the body of Christ. It is the privilege, responsibility, and challenge of that membership to manifest God's unconditional love for all His creation. This effort to be Christ-like will be especially evident in our parish worship, evangelization, and service.

Thank you for visiting our website!

Here you will find information concerning our parish and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and able to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about St. Aloysius!

If you are visiting or relocating to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.

When you visit our church, you will find: A caring, friendly parish that will welcome you and Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age!