Welcome to St. Aloysius Catholic Church
WeShare - New Online Giving Platform
Parishioners may now set up recurring or one-time donations through WeShare. St. Aloysius will no longer accept Paypal donations. Parishioners should receive a postcard in the mail within the next week, containing more detailed information. Parishioners who already have a WeShare login from other parishes or events, may continue to use the same login. Use either the button link or the QR code to access the WeShare form.
First Reconciliation/First Communion Classes
Preparation classes for First Reconciliation and First Communion begin on October 6 in St. Al’s Hall. If your child attended summer PREP, they are already registered. If you have recently moved into the parish and have not contacted us yet, please email stalsprep@gmail.com or call Ann Shackleford, 513-738-1014, ext. 2103. Classes will be held at 10:30 am (following the 9:30 am Mass) and at 6:00 pm. The class calendar
will be emailed to parents.
Preventing Falls, Preserving Independence:
Free Workshop for Older Adults in Ross Community
In a dedicated effort to keep our older residents safe and independent, Kendal at Home, the Ross Fire Department, and the Ross Community Foundation are joining forces to offer a comprehensive Falls Prevention Workshop. This free event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 5th, at 11:00 AM at the Ross Fire House on US 27, as part of the Ross Fire Department’s Open House on October 6th.
CDC reports that falls are the leading cause of injury and death among adults over 65, with one fall doubling the risk of falling again. Our goal in presenting this free event is to keep our older neighbors safe and remaining independent in their homes!
This vital community event is made possible by the generous support of the Ross Community Foundation, which is also sponsoring refreshments for the workshop. All members of the community, particularly older adults, are encouraged to attend. Our older neighbors are a precious part of the Ross community, and this event aims to equip them with the tools and knowledge needed to stay safe and independent in their homes. Space is limited, so please recommend those interested to secure their spot by contacting Wendy Fetters at (513) 300-5663 or registering at:
Let’s come together as a community to support our older residents in living healthier, safer lives at home.
Country Arts Booth: Please note that we need items for the Country Arts Booth. Any small handmade items, baked goods and canned jams/jellies are needed and appreciated!
Yard Signs: If you still have fall festival yard signs from previous years, please return them to church ASAP so they can be used this year!
Grand Raffle: Grand prize is $1,500; tickets are $10 each and only 400 tickets will be sold! There will be two early bird drawings of $250 each. Tickets will be available soon!
From Father Walling: Sunday Evening Masses
After consulting with staffs and parish councils at St Aloysius and St Peter in Chains, I have decided to offer a seven o’clock Sunday evening Mass once a month on the first Sunday of the month on a trial basis for six months in order to gauge your response to and participation at Sunday Mass at that hour.
The scheduled Mass will alternate between the two parishes (St Al’s and St Pete’s), but, due to previous commitments, on an uneven basis:
next 7:00 PM Mass is at St Aloysius on October 6th;
St Peter in Chains on November 3rd;
and at St. Aloysius on December 1st.
Liturgical ministers will be needed: greeters/ushers, servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of holy communion.
If you are interested in helping, contact Heather Hart at St Pete’s or Ann Shackleford at St Al’s.
Veterans’ Memorial Bulletin Board
If you have a son or daughter who is serving today in one of the military branches and would like them included in our prayers, you can submit a photo (up to 5” X 7”) which would be mounted on the board in the Gathering Space. Please include the name and where they are serving our country.
Lost & Found
We have many pairs of sunglasses and reading glasses, waiting for their forever homes. Please stop in the parish office to pick them up.
Mass Moments - Dismissals
We may have three formal dismissals in every Mass. After the Collect, we may dismiss children for their own Liturgy of the Word. After the homily, we dismiss catechumens. At the conclusion of the service, we dismiss everyone else. We also have many informal dismissals. People leave to get to the bathroom, to take out a small child who’s had enough already, or to beat the crowd to the parking lot.
We used to formalize all our dismissals. Records from the early Church show dismissals of catechumens and faithful as we have them today. But they also show dismissals of sinners preparing for reconciliation (the Penitents) and of those possessed by demons.
Dismissals brought order to the service and sent people forward with a mission. This is their real purpose. It’s not a “get out of here” ritual, it’s a “go forth” ritual. It’s not so much about leaving; it’s more about going someplace.
When we dismiss catechumens, we’re sending them forth to talk about the Word of God they’ve just heard. When we dismiss the faithful, we send them forth to put the Mass into action, renewed by the Eucharist, proclaiming the Gospel wherever they go.
People who excuse themselves from the assembly because of children or Mother Nature use common sense. But those who leave Mass before the final Dismissal may cause annoyance. Leaving Mass early is like leaving home without saying goodbye.
Liturgical prayer is common prayer. Singing the songs, making the responses, observing common silences, and sharing the Sign of Peace all bind us in communion long before we share bread and cup. Communion is communion not just with God, but also with one another.
The final Dismissal sends us off together so we never have to proclaim the Gospel alone. We are dismissed together, and together we bring Christ to the world.
Bulletin Inserts for the Liturgical Life of the Parish: The Mass © 2020 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Written by Paul Turner.
"Mass Moments" Archives "Seasonal Moments" Archive
SCAM Alert
ATTENTION PLEASE: Please disregard any emails or texts from Fr. Walling that are not coming from rwalling@qphamilton.org. There are messages circulating about needing special prayers, money, etc. These are scams! Fr. Walling will NEVER email or text you asking you for money or gift cards. The latest scam has somehow managed to pop into existing email conversation threads. The parish office does not need to be notified if you have received them. However, if you have fallen victim to these scams please file a report at Report a Scam | Ohio.gov | Official Website of the State of Ohio and with your local police department. Unfortunately ministers, school principals, etc. are common targets for these scams because these are organizations that people like to make donations to.
Our Family of Parish Priests enjoy a home-cooked meal together each week at Queen of Peace. Meals are delivered to the parish office or outside the residence every Tuesday and Wednesday. Typically, meals should feed 4-5 adults. They enjoy all meats, starches, salads, breads and desserts. If you would be interested in being put on the rotation or have further questions, please call the Queen of Peace Parish Office 513-863-4344
Lenten Project update!
Due to the tremendous generosity of our parishioners and support from the Men’s Society, K of C, and Ladies’ Society, a total of $19,398.58 was donated during lent to support the Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Gulu Uganda and H.O.P.E.- full Pastures. Along with some supplemental funds from the Mission Outreach budget, this has enabled us to fund the acquisition of all the requested clinic equipment, medicine, MAMA kits and mosquito nets. We also have been able to provide $10,000 to help initiate the fund to construct the $24,000 outdoor kitchen the clinic so desperately needs. Again, this year we are underwriting the $6000 cost for 10 abused and/or neglected children and their guardians to participate in the therapeutic programs offered at H.O.P.E.-full Pastures.
The parish should take great pride in their unselfish support for others who are less fortunate.
Committee members are: Jim Bischoff, Sr.(513-896-6397), Ann Adams (513-646-1052), or Imelda Castaneda-Emenaker (513-403-9621).
Community Outreach
Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life. So we created free resources that highlights the best memory care facilities in Ohio.
Check out the Memory Care Guides here:
- https://www.memorycare.com/memory-care-in-ohio
- https://www.memorycare.com/what-is-a-memory-care-facility/
- https://www.memorycare.com/when-to-consider-memory-care/
- https://www.memorycare.com/what-to-expect-in-memory-care/
- https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/ohio
Parish Council
New Parishioner Registration
Interested in becoming a member of St. Aloysius? Please enter your information and the office will contact you.
Find a Parish While Traveling
Spiritual Communion
For those who are unable to receive Holy Communion, you can make this prayer of Spiritual Communion a source of grace in the midst of difficulty:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers
Please consider helping; training will be provided.
Call the parish office [513-738-1014].
St. Joe's Corner
- St. Joe’s is trying to gather addresses of their graduates. There is a form on the school webpage, www.sjcshamilton.org that you can fill out with your information. Thanks!
- If you are interested in purchasing a St. Joe's 365 Lotto Ticket, you can contact any St. Joe's student or the school office (513-863-8758), or use this link to purchase online: SJCS Catholic Schools 365 Lotto Tickets. The funds generated through the 365 Lotto Fundraiser for into the St. Joe's general fund and help cover general operating expenses which otherwise would have to be covered by large increases in tuition.
Badin Connection
"FORMED" Program
FORMED is Catholic content all in one place. It is a platform of Catholic teachings through videos, audio talks, ebooks, movies, and more. Consider it personal faith formation at your fingertips. As a parishioner you have access to this subscription.
You can copy and paste the following website https://formed.org into your URL. The parish code: V3JWJ6.
OR...go to the LINKS tab and click on the FORMED.ORG and it will take you directly to the site to subscribe.
Please Note: When first signing on to FORMED.ORG, you must register your email address.
St. Aloysius Veteran's Memorial
If you are interested in purchasing a Veterans’ Memorial Brick, it’s not too late! Forms are available in the rack outside the parish office door. This is a great way to honor a special person….any military or non-military; a friend; a family member.
There are two more areas added to honor our POW/MIA Veterans, as well as our 6th military branch, Space Force. Bricks are available. Questions, please call Bill (513)706-5475.
Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of St. Aloysius Parish, are called together by God through our Roman Catholic faith to be an active, visible community where the faith flourishes and grows. As such, we acknowledge God's love, Jesus Christ's redemption, the power of the Holy Spirit, and our individual and collective membership in the body of Christ. It is the privilege, responsibility, and challenge of that membership to manifest God's unconditional love for all His creation. This effort to be Christ-like will be especially evident in our parish worship, evangelization, and service.
Thank you for visiting our website!
Here you will find information concerning our parish and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and able to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about St. Aloysius!
If you are visiting or relocating to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.
When you visit our church, you will find: A caring, friendly parish that will welcome you and Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age!